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Showing posts from October, 2012

Birthday Testimony :)

I did this as part of my personal scripture study, but I thought that I would share it here.  I am another year older, but here is 20 things that I have a testimony of for you to enjoy. Have a wonderful day! Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He suffered for our sins, our trials, and our troubles. Families can be together of. I am so grateful that I got stuck with a great family for all eternity. I can not imagine even one day without them! Heavenly Father is very aware of our circumstances. He puts us into the situations that we need to be put into. Heavenly Father answers prayers. They may not be loud answers, but quiet feelings. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful for this. Going through this challenge is making me even more grateful. The Book of Mormon is true. It is filled with all the right stuff. :) President Monson is a true prophet. He speaks the words of God to us today. I am grateful for this connection to God. The Priesthood is resto