I would like to quote a Children's song that I learned from a very young age:
"I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know who I am.
I know God's plan.
I'll follow Him in faith.
I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I'll honor His name.
I'll do what is right;
I'll follow His light.
His truth I will proclaim."
I know that this Church is the restored Church of Jesus Christ. It is organized and carried out how Christ organized the Church when He was on the Earth.
I know that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet today. He does receive revelation from Heavenly Father, just as did the prophets of the Bible. I know that he leads and guides us today.
I know that families can be together forever when they are sealed in the temple. I know that the family is a central part of our Heavenly Father's plan. I know that we can return to our Heavenly Father as we remain faithful and keep His commandments.
I would like to end with my testimony of Jesus Christ. I know that He is our Savior. He is our Brother. He is our Redeemer. I know that He lives. I know that He came to earth and lived a perfect life. I know that He atoned for our sins, our trials, and our afflictions. I know that He understands everything that we are going through. I know that we can turn to Him in everything. I know that He was crucified and was resurrected. I know that He appeared to the people in the Americas. I know that He will come again.
I know that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us. I know that we can call upon our Heavenly Father in prayer. He is listening. He does care.
I believe all of this and so much more. I would love to discuss it with you. If you ever have any questions about my beliefs, please ask me. I will not be offended. I am very willing to be open and honest about the things that I believe.
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