I really need to Blog more often.
It has been way too long since I have blogged, and I have had several things to say. I must admit that I have written several blog posts, but they were too private to post on the internet. So this one is going to be updating you on everything, or as the title says:
Six months ago, an amazing announcement was made. President Thomas S. Monson announced that the mission age has changed from 19 to 18 for young men and 21 to 19 for young women. This has changed everything here at BYU. Many young women have responded to this call and half of my ward is now in the mission field! This includes two of my bestest friends are going on mission.

Sister Julia Taylor (left) is going to serve in Nicaragua. She left last Tuesday to go to the Guatemala MTC.
Sister Anna Katie Giberson (right) is going to serve in Portugal. She leaves Wednesday to enter the Provo MTC.
I am so proud of these two young women. I wish that I could be out there with them as well, but Heavenly Father has a different plan for me. I want to serve, but I am trusting what I feel like Heavenly Father is telling me to do with my life. So for now, I am here protecting Julia and Katie’s pigs until their safe return in 18 months.

Notice the Pigs. Mine was packed, but there are three of them!
Since August, I have been living in the Elms here in Provo. It has been very challenging for me every month. Last semester, we had some real roommate drama. You, dear reader, probably do not know what happened, and you never will unless you ask me in person. I do not want to use this blog to create fights if you, dear reader, happen to be a roommate reading this. I will refrain from using details or names about events that have transpired in this apartment.

I am excited to move into my new apartment in a month! It is a nice place and I get my own room. I am ready for change. I mean it can’t get any worse, right? KNOCK ON WOOD!!!
Now that I have complained about some things, I need to talk about some positive things happening in my life.
I found out last week that I got a scholarship for Spring and Summer!! This is such a blessing in my life. It is really a testament to the fact that Heavenly Father knows us and our circumstances. He knows what we need. I worked my butt off last semester to get high grades to make sure that I would get a scholarship, but I know that in the end it is Heavenly Father that helped me. I am so excited to be here Spring Summer, but I am already missing my family.
Speaking of Families- Don’t I have the cutest nephews in the world? They are coming to visit me in a few weeks and I am so excited!
GAH!! I just love them so much! I miss them so much!!
This semester has been CRAZY! I have been loving it. Again, I am a Peer Mentor and I absolutely love my job.

I had a PE class where once a week I would go to Westside Elementary School and teach PE! It was great, and challenging, and the children were so fun! But let me tell you one thing, teaching parachute is not the easiest thing in the world even though the kids love it!

This isn’t my actual class, but I figured I would let you reminisce your own childhood memories of playing with the parachute.
I also get the opportunity to volunteer at Wasatch Elementary School in a 3rd grade classroom. I absolutely love it and it has me craving my own classroom! One more year and I will be in my internship (hopefully) and will get to have my own class!

I got to shake his hand. For those who don't know him, this is Elder Jeffery R. Holland. He is an apostle called of God today and he is one of the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is a great man and a wonderful speaker. He came to introduce his son at a symposium here on campus and I got to see him in person! It was a wonderful experience and I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have had her at BYU to see the Lord's chosen apostles and prophets in person!
Well, this is my life and all I have to say is...
Come what may and love it!
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