To those of you who heard my testimony today, I apologize that I am repeating myself. This is an experience I just needed to write down for myself.
Let's rewind to Monday night. I hadn't been feeling all that great. I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before. I just was ready to go to bed. I told myself that I would come home from FHE and go to sleep. I was in my pajamas by 8:30- crazy for a college student, right?
One of my friends dropped in for a visit. After she left, I had one of those moments where I just felt completely alone. I went to my room and prayed when a few simple words came to my mind.
These two lines from the children's primary song were stuck in my mind. In the moment, it is easy to doubt that Heavenly Father answers our prayers. How can He really hear every single prayer around the world? How can He answer every single one? It just is too much to handle. I was feeling so alone. There was no way that Heavenly Father could answer my prayer. Even so, I started praying to Heavenly Father. I prayed for the extra help that I needed in my life. Really, I was not expecting much. Then I hear a knock at the door.
I thought it was one of my friends who I had sneakily gave money back to that evening. I was ready to answer the door and tell the guy that I was going to bed and that he should not be so obnoxious. Remember that I am in all of my pajama glory... I open the door and who do I see? My hometeacher is standing there looking at me (props to whoever got the Brown Bear, Brown Bear reference).
All jokes aside, I suddenly was overwhelmed with the thought of my prayer that had taken place two minutes before. My hometeacher told me that he felt like he needed to stop by and check in on me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This simple visit was an answer to my prayer that I did not even expect. After he left, I cried and thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my prayer. This simple knock at the door not only showed me that God answers prayers, but that He loved me. He really does care about me. He wants me to trust Him. He wants me to know that there are people that are placed in my life to help answer my prayers. Also, I am placed in others' lives to answer their prayers.
As I was reflecting on this experience today, I realized that this is not an experience that will always happen. I will not get a knock on the door every time I am feeling alone. But you know what? That is okay because I realize that even if someone does not show up at my door, there is someone always waiting on the other side of the veil. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for us- even when we don't think that they are.
As I begin to understand God's power, I am beginning to see a glimpse of His love for each of us. To quote the last verse of that song:
Come what may and love it!
Let's rewind to Monday night. I hadn't been feeling all that great. I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before. I just was ready to go to bed. I told myself that I would come home from FHE and go to sleep. I was in my pajamas by 8:30- crazy for a college student, right?
One of my friends dropped in for a visit. After she left, I had one of those moments where I just felt completely alone. I went to my room and prayed when a few simple words came to my mind.
"Heavenly Father, Are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?"
These two lines from the children's primary song were stuck in my mind. In the moment, it is easy to doubt that Heavenly Father answers our prayers. How can He really hear every single prayer around the world? How can He answer every single one? It just is too much to handle. I was feeling so alone. There was no way that Heavenly Father could answer my prayer. Even so, I started praying to Heavenly Father. I prayed for the extra help that I needed in my life. Really, I was not expecting much. Then I hear a knock at the door.
I thought it was one of my friends who I had sneakily gave money back to that evening. I was ready to answer the door and tell the guy that I was going to bed and that he should not be so obnoxious. Remember that I am in all of my pajama glory... I open the door and who do I see? My hometeacher is standing there looking at me (props to whoever got the Brown Bear, Brown Bear reference).

As I was reflecting on this experience today, I realized that this is not an experience that will always happen. I will not get a knock on the door every time I am feeling alone. But you know what? That is okay because I realize that even if someone does not show up at my door, there is someone always waiting on the other side of the veil. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for us- even when we don't think that they are.
As I begin to understand God's power, I am beginning to see a glimpse of His love for each of us. To quote the last verse of that song:
"Pray, He is there;
Speak, He is listening.
You are His child;
His love now surrounds you.
He hears your prayer;
He loves the children.
Of such is the kingdom,
the kingdom of heav'n."
Come what may and love it!
I like how you acknowledged that there won't be a knock every time, but enough to know that the Lord does still know who you are. My sister-in-law was praying fervently for someone to come over and help her with her kids, but no one came. She realized that it meant she was strong enough to call and ask someone for help. Your story and hers have reminded me that sometimes a person comes in the moment of need and sometimes the you meet the need on your own. I'm glad you shared your experience!