Life is busy. If you haven’t figured that out by now, you
are probably in for a rude awakening. I am really starting to realize how
impossible it is to fit everything in. It is especially hard as a young, single
college student. There is school. There
is homework. There is work. There are church callings. There is scripture study
and prayers. On top of all that, you want to try to have an ounce of a social
life. It is hard! Sometimes life can be overwhelming.
Sometimes, I feel so split in all these different directions.
I feel like it is impossible to get it all done. I wake up in the morning and I
have to attend 4 hours of class. Then I need to go to work. Once I come home,
it doesn’t stop there. I have homework to complete, projects to work on, emails
to send, students to contact, and people to visit. I try to get all these
things done quickly so I can get a couple of hours to chill with my boyfriend
before going to bed at a decent hour and waking up to start it over again. The hardest
realization is that they are all good things. It is important to do all of
these tasks, but sometimes (a lot of times) there is literally not enough hours
in the day. Granted- I have started eliminating some of the ‘time-wasters’ in
my life these last two months (Hulu and Netflix watching). I have tried to make
sure my life is balanced. I don’t want to have too much of one thing that then
takes away time from something else. It just becomes a juggling act.
Honestly, I sometimes feel completely inadequate. Especially
after my accident a couple of months, I felt completely weak. I felt like I
couldn’t get everything done. I felt like I should be stronger physically and
emotionally. The accident was a lot harder than I had expected both physically
and emotionally. It took a really long time to feel like I was some what
normal. In that moment though, I let a lot of my juggling balls drop. I dropped
going to class for that Monday. I dropped having meetings for my calling. I
dropped my exercise routine. I dropped some of my work responsibilities. I
dropped a lot of my ‘free time’. Physically and emotionally I was not able to
complete these things.
While I dropped a lot of these juggling balls, I kept the important ones in the
air. I was still attending church and completing my scripture study. I was
still doing my calling as much as I could. I was still having time to spend
with my friends. I also picked up a couple juggling balls that same week. I picked
up practicum and writing lesson plans. I picked up going to the chiropractor
every day. I picked up my parents coming into town. I picked up balancing my
new relationship in this new style of life.
Life needed to change. We can’t juggle all the balls all the
time. It just isn’t possible. If we try to juggle too much at once, we end up
dropping everything. In these moments when we feel like we are falling, when we feel like we are dropping everything, we can reach out like Peter and Christ will be there to lift us up.
As we work with juggling our lives, we need to draw
ourselves closer to God. He is the one that we are juggling for. He is the one
that helps us keep all the right balls in the air and to know which ones need
to drop at certain times in our life. At the right times, He will also throw new
things into the mix because He knows we can handle them.
He knows us. We need to know Him. Just remember who you are
juggling for and always remember…
Come what may and love it.
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