Dear Mitch (and my other future children)-
You are 7 months old right now. Donald Trump just got elected president. This has been one of the dirtiest, most awful elections. More mud was slung everywhere that our country was left covered in dirty, mucky mystery liquid. I was counting down the days until the election so that we could finally start cleaning up the mess, but that is not the case. Which is why I am now writing you this letter.
I did not like Donald Trump. I did not vote for him, or for the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. I voted Third Party because I wanted to vote for the person that I thought would be best for the job of president. But that is not the purpose of this letter.
The night of the election, your father and I knelt in prayer before going to bed. I prayed for our country that night. I prayed for myself for the peace to accept the person who was elected president. I prayed for understanding to know that the person elected president (who I thought was going to be the candidate that I thought was the "worse of two evils") was the president that God wanted to lead the country to fulfill His plan, whatever that may be.
As I stayed up late, and as Donald Trump surprisingly had a leg up on the electoral votes, I felt at peace. I felt like Heavenly Father was answering my prayer and this was the president that God wanted leading this country at this time. I went to bed before the election was technically "over", however, I knew that he had won when I turned off my phone for the night.
When I woke up, I was so surprised by what I saw. I saw people that were mourning. I saw people that were angry. I saw people saying hurtful things and blaming others for the position we were in. These were all people who are my friends.
As each day has passed, things have gotten worse. Riots and protests are happening. People are declaring that Donald Trump is "Not My President". Students are skipping classes to protest. Colleges are supporting those that are mourning because their candidate loss. A high school in UTAH had students skip school to protest. This is crazy to me- I understand free speech, but it just has gotten ridiculous. I have wanted to call these people a bunch of cry babies, but I will restrain myself.
I find it hard to believe that these people are so angry that our nation elected who they believe is a hateful, angry man, but yet they are now expressing their frustrations with hate and anger.
Let's go back 4 years- Mitt Romney versus Obama. I voted for Romney. Obama won. However, Obama was still my president even though I didn't support him in the election. He was still my president, even though I don't support all of his opinions. He was still my president, even though I don't like all of the policies that he has enacted these past 8 years.
Do I love Donald Trump? No, I honestly I don't. I don't like the way he handled the election. I don't like things he said. I don't appreciate some quotes about women. But I have now chosen to see past that since the election is over (mostly because he has a great VP). He will be my president because I believe in the democratic system. He will be my president because he does have some good ideas. He will be my president because I believe in giving people a chance to prove everyone wrong and do great things. I would have said the same things if Hillary would have won.
So why am I writing you this letter?
2 reasons:
(1) I wanted you to know about the events that transpired this election from your mother's point of view before you read about it in history books.
(2) I want you to grow up to be a man who loves instead of hates. I want you to grow up to be a person of integrity, even if your soccer team loses a big game. I want you to grow up to be a boy of acceptance when things don't always go your way. I want you to be a man of God, who seeks Him in prayer to understand and accept His will.
Mitch, if this election is any example of what future elections will be like, I fear for you. It is going to be so hard to see through the mud, but as you pray and research the candidates, I know that you will be able to make the right decisions for you and your family.
So what now? Mitch, I plan to help you and your future siblings grow up to be good people. I plan to serve those around me, even if I don't agree with them. I plan to pick up a mop and try to clean off some of the mud that has been slung instead of adding to it.
I have hope for our country, if we can all just try to come together and clean up the mess that this election has created.
Come what may and love it!
Love- Your Mother
You are 7 months old right now. Donald Trump just got elected president. This has been one of the dirtiest, most awful elections. More mud was slung everywhere that our country was left covered in dirty, mucky mystery liquid. I was counting down the days until the election so that we could finally start cleaning up the mess, but that is not the case. Which is why I am now writing you this letter.
I did not like Donald Trump. I did not vote for him, or for the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. I voted Third Party because I wanted to vote for the person that I thought would be best for the job of president. But that is not the purpose of this letter.
The night of the election, your father and I knelt in prayer before going to bed. I prayed for our country that night. I prayed for myself for the peace to accept the person who was elected president. I prayed for understanding to know that the person elected president (who I thought was going to be the candidate that I thought was the "worse of two evils") was the president that God wanted to lead the country to fulfill His plan, whatever that may be.
As I stayed up late, and as Donald Trump surprisingly had a leg up on the electoral votes, I felt at peace. I felt like Heavenly Father was answering my prayer and this was the president that God wanted leading this country at this time. I went to bed before the election was technically "over", however, I knew that he had won when I turned off my phone for the night.
When I woke up, I was so surprised by what I saw. I saw people that were mourning. I saw people that were angry. I saw people saying hurtful things and blaming others for the position we were in. These were all people who are my friends.
As each day has passed, things have gotten worse. Riots and protests are happening. People are declaring that Donald Trump is "Not My President". Students are skipping classes to protest. Colleges are supporting those that are mourning because their candidate loss. A high school in UTAH had students skip school to protest. This is crazy to me- I understand free speech, but it just has gotten ridiculous. I have wanted to call these people a bunch of cry babies, but I will restrain myself.

Let's go back 4 years- Mitt Romney versus Obama. I voted for Romney. Obama won. However, Obama was still my president even though I didn't support him in the election. He was still my president, even though I don't support all of his opinions. He was still my president, even though I don't like all of the policies that he has enacted these past 8 years.
Do I love Donald Trump? No, I honestly I don't. I don't like the way he handled the election. I don't like things he said. I don't appreciate some quotes about women. But I have now chosen to see past that since the election is over (mostly because he has a great VP). He will be my president because I believe in the democratic system. He will be my president because he does have some good ideas. He will be my president because I believe in giving people a chance to prove everyone wrong and do great things. I would have said the same things if Hillary would have won.
So why am I writing you this letter?
2 reasons:
(1) I wanted you to know about the events that transpired this election from your mother's point of view before you read about it in history books.
Mitch, if this election is any example of what future elections will be like, I fear for you. It is going to be so hard to see through the mud, but as you pray and research the candidates, I know that you will be able to make the right decisions for you and your family.
So what now? Mitch, I plan to help you and your future siblings grow up to be good people. I plan to serve those around me, even if I don't agree with them. I plan to pick up a mop and try to clean off some of the mud that has been slung instead of adding to it.

Come what may and love it!
Love- Your Mother
Love this Amy! I had very similar feelings after prayer... not excitement, but peace that it was Gods will. I'm scared to raise a family in the country we seem to becoming, but it's in the home that we make the biggest difference :) you are an awesome mom!!
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that the voters voted for Hilary. The Electoral college awarded the points to Trump who did NOT win the popular vote. Our rights as voter was stripped away from us. We must fight for what is right. And god only helps those who help themselves. The constitution states that we should question our gov. to keep it in line. We are not sheep letting a wolf in our midst. Tell him that.