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Showing posts from 2018

Nate- Your Birth Story

I am so grateful that I wrote down Mitch's Birth Story. I wanted to make sure I took a moment to write down Nate's birth story too- especially since it was SO DIFFERENT than Mitch. (Click Here to Read  Mitch's Birth Story ) I am going to be 100% honest. I told myself that the goal for baby #2 was to go unmedicated. However, in my head I meant that my goal was to go to 6 cm before getting an epidural. I honestly didn't think I could do it naturally. But by some accident or miracle, I gave birth naturally to Nate Gariet Odell. Here is his story... To Nate- We were all every excited for you to join our family. I had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with you, and so we felt so lucky and blessed to have a baby coming to our family. Your due date was June 13th, but Granny really wanted you to come on her birthday (the 11th). I wanted you to come sooner than that, but I kept telling myself that I would be pregnant until the 20th (when the doctor would induc...

Let's Talk About Allergies- Allergy FAQ

I want to put into perspective a moment from my life into terms that you might be able to relate with more… You are walking with your two-year old in the park. As you are walking, you see right in front of you a gun on the ground. What are your immediate thoughts and feelings? Are you worried about the safety of your child? The gun might not be loaded. Why not just let them play with it or even just touch it? OF COURSE YOU WOULDN’T THINK THAT! Any parent’s first reaction would be of fear and worry. You would think what if your child had been alone for that moment and found the gun by themselves. What if they had picked it up? What if they would have killed themselves accidentally? This is exactly how I felt when I walked through the park one day and saw a peanut shell on the ground. I was so grateful that I was holding Mitch’s hand in that moment. I am so grateful that I could just walk away with him. But still- those feelings and thoughts were there. What if in that one ...