I am so grateful that I wrote down Mitch's Birth Story. I wanted to make sure I took a moment to write down Nate's birth story too- especially since it was SO DIFFERENT than Mitch.
I am going to be 100% honest. I told myself that the goal for baby #2 was to go unmedicated. However, in my head I meant that my goal was to go to 6 cm before getting an epidural. I honestly didn't think I could do it naturally. But by some accident or miracle, I gave birth naturally to Nate Gariet Odell.
Here is his story...
We were all every excited for you to join our family. I had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with you, and so we felt so lucky and blessed to have a baby coming to our family. Your due date was June 13th, but Granny really wanted you to come on her birthday (the 11th). I wanted you to come sooner than that, but I kept telling myself that I would be pregnant until the 20th (when the doctor would induce me). You, however, had your own little plan.
On Wednesday, June 6th, I had my 39 week doctor's appointment. Everything looked good. My doctor stripped my membranes, but nothing felt different at all for me. I cleaned the house, mopped the floors, and did laundry when I got home.
On Thursday, June 7th, I woke up feeling different. I don't know how to explain it, but I couldn't help but think that I was going to have a baby sometime that weekend. I didn't want to get my hopes up. I felt like Mitch was going to come early and he was 4 days late. I just put up this weird feeling to overworking the day before, not sleeping well that night, and needing to pee every hour and a half all night long.
We took Daddy to his train at 7:45. Then I randomly decided that we needed to go get an oil change since we already needed to stop by Wal-Mart. So Mitch and I walked around for half an hour looking at toys and then came home to did our normal routine. All this time, I didn't feel good and was really looking forward to nap time (for Mitch and for me!)
Your Aunt Erin called and asked if she could hang out. I was already planning on going to Costco to get some milk (because we go through a million gallons a week over here). We invited her to come along with us. So off to Costco we went. Then we came home and had lunch. I kicked Erin out because I really wanted to make sure I got a nap in since I hadn't been feeling great. She joked that I would go into labor right when she left. Nothing really dramatic happened when she left. I put Mitch down for a nap and I laid down. When Daddy called, I told him I wasn't feeling the greatest, but that Mitch and I would survive.
Mitch and I played like we normally do. I turned on a show for him and made fajitas for dinner. After getting dinner all ready, I thought I was starting to feel contractions. I didn't know for sure if it was real contractions or just Braxton Hicks from standing up so long to make dinner.
I texted Gariet and asked him to make sure that he was on the 5 o'clock train (instead of the 5:30 train). This would make him be home by 6. I felt guilty because I knew that I could still be pregnant for 2 more weeks. I didn't want his boss to feel like I was calling him home early all the time. I didn't want to be the wife that called "baby" everyday.

Daddy surprised me and got on the 4:30 train. This actually was a blessing because I was starting to have pretty consistent contractions (about 8-10 minutes apart). I drove to go pick him up and had one contraction on the way there. It wasn't strong enough to make me pull over, but Daddy drove home. At this time, I also texted Aunt Erin and told her to make sure her phone was on that evening because I thought I was in labor.
I still wasn't completely convinced that this was the real deal. It felt different than it had with Mitch. (with Mitch I had all back contractions) I didn't want to get my hopes up. So we went on a walk down to the bus stop and then to check the mail. Then I was craving ice cream and wanted to do something fun for the last time as a family of 3 (if this was the real deal). We went to McDonald's to get ice cream and play, then walked around the mall for a little bit. At this point, contractions were about 7-8 minutes apart, but still not strong enough to make me stop in my tracks.
We came home from our adventure and finally I was convinced that these were real contractions. We went to the hospital so early with Mitch that they sent us home. I didn't want to be sent home again, so I wanted to wait until I was not able to walk through a contraction. As we were getting Mitch ready for bed, it was starting to get to that point.
We did our normal routine with Mitch- read scriptures, sing a song, say a family prayer. I cried the whole time- knowing that this would be the last time that we would be doing this routine as a family of three. (Basically I was being a hormonal pregnant woman)
After we got Mitch to bed, I started gathering the last minute things that I wanted to go into our hospital bag (chargers, certain clothes I didn't want to be in a bag for 2 weeks, etc). We called Aunt Erin and Uncle Cullen to let them know that they needed to come over. They took what seemed like forever to finish institute and pack their bags for the night. By the time they got to our house, the contractions were about 5 minutes apart and I had to stop during them to breath.
We got to the hospital at around 10:30 pm. They asked if I needed a wheelchair, but I insisted that I could walk. I had to stop a couple times, but I made it to our room. I was 4 cm (which made me happy because I didn't think they would send me home since I was actually progressing) and contractions were about 3 minutes apart. My spirits were still high at this point though. We were joking with our amazing nurse (Jamie) and sending Marco Polo videos to family members (right after a contraction).
At around 11, Dr. Heather Harrison came in and broke my water. The contractions pretty much felt like they were constant at that point.
Soon after that, I was able to get into the bath tub (we were so lucky to have the only room with a tub at that hospital!) Let me tell you though- that was the most unrelaxing bath I have ever taken. I felt like I was constantly having contractions and just felt like I was tense. Gariet says that I was in the tub for about an hour (I had no concept of time at that point). I got super sick while in the bath and threw up a whole bunch (thank goodness for those wonderful hospital puke bags and a fast moving daddy!) I decided I wanted to get out of the bath and get an epidural right then. So we got out of the bath and Heather came in and checked to see how far I had progressed. I was at 7 cm.
Everyone kept telling me that I was so close to having a baby. The nurse was helping me breath through contractions. Heather was helping me get into positions that would be more comfortable. Gariet told me it was going to be fast and tried to be encouraging while not being overbearing. Heather (who in that moment became my least favorite person) told me that I didn't have time to get an epidural. This baby was going to come by the time I got the epidural in that it wouldn't kick in in time. She told the nurse off to the side to hold the anesthesiologist up for a few minutes (I don't think I was supposed to hear that).
Heather got all gowned up to convince me that this baby was coming now. Three contractions later I was at 10 cm. It was too late to get an epidural. Three pushes and 8 minutes later, Nate, you were born at 12:51 am. Your face was a little bruised because you came so fast, but you were perfect. I felt so relieved that you were here.
Heather stitched me up at that point (I honestly believe that was the worst part about not getting an epidural). She numbed me up, but I still felt a little bit of the pulling and such. Not fun at all.
I am now writing this 3 and a half weeks later. Right after I gave birth, I told everyone in the room that I was never doing that again without an epidural. But now, I think that yes I could do it. I am going to be honest though. I will never be that person who says that giving birth naturally was beautiful and wonderful. It was hard. It was awful. I hated every minute of it. But it was worth it for a perfect little baby. Will I have an epidural with the next one? Who knows! Each birth story is unique. But for Nate- that is how you came into the world.
(Click Here to Read Mitch's Birth Story)
I am going to be 100% honest. I told myself that the goal for baby #2 was to go unmedicated. However, in my head I meant that my goal was to go to 6 cm before getting an epidural. I honestly didn't think I could do it naturally. But by some accident or miracle, I gave birth naturally to Nate Gariet Odell.
Here is his story...
To Nate-

On Wednesday, June 6th, I had my 39 week doctor's appointment. Everything looked good. My doctor stripped my membranes, but nothing felt different at all for me. I cleaned the house, mopped the floors, and did laundry when I got home.

We took Daddy to his train at 7:45. Then I randomly decided that we needed to go get an oil change since we already needed to stop by Wal-Mart. So Mitch and I walked around for half an hour looking at toys and then came home to did our normal routine. All this time, I didn't feel good and was really looking forward to nap time (for Mitch and for me!)

Mitch and I played like we normally do. I turned on a show for him and made fajitas for dinner. After getting dinner all ready, I thought I was starting to feel contractions. I didn't know for sure if it was real contractions or just Braxton Hicks from standing up so long to make dinner.
I texted Gariet and asked him to make sure that he was on the 5 o'clock train (instead of the 5:30 train). This would make him be home by 6. I felt guilty because I knew that I could still be pregnant for 2 more weeks. I didn't want his boss to feel like I was calling him home early all the time. I didn't want to be the wife that called "baby" everyday.

Daddy surprised me and got on the 4:30 train. This actually was a blessing because I was starting to have pretty consistent contractions (about 8-10 minutes apart). I drove to go pick him up and had one contraction on the way there. It wasn't strong enough to make me pull over, but Daddy drove home. At this time, I also texted Aunt Erin and told her to make sure her phone was on that evening because I thought I was in labor.
I still wasn't completely convinced that this was the real deal. It felt different than it had with Mitch. (with Mitch I had all back contractions) I didn't want to get my hopes up. So we went on a walk down to the bus stop and then to check the mail. Then I was craving ice cream and wanted to do something fun for the last time as a family of 3 (if this was the real deal). We went to McDonald's to get ice cream and play, then walked around the mall for a little bit. At this point, contractions were about 7-8 minutes apart, but still not strong enough to make me stop in my tracks.

We did our normal routine with Mitch- read scriptures, sing a song, say a family prayer. I cried the whole time- knowing that this would be the last time that we would be doing this routine as a family of three. (Basically I was being a hormonal pregnant woman)
After we got Mitch to bed, I started gathering the last minute things that I wanted to go into our hospital bag (chargers, certain clothes I didn't want to be in a bag for 2 weeks, etc). We called Aunt Erin and Uncle Cullen to let them know that they needed to come over. They took what seemed like forever to finish institute and pack their bags for the night. By the time they got to our house, the contractions were about 5 minutes apart and I had to stop during them to breath.

At around 11, Dr. Heather Harrison came in and broke my water. The contractions pretty much felt like they were constant at that point.
Soon after that, I was able to get into the bath tub (we were so lucky to have the only room with a tub at that hospital!) Let me tell you though- that was the most unrelaxing bath I have ever taken. I felt like I was constantly having contractions and just felt like I was tense. Gariet says that I was in the tub for about an hour (I had no concept of time at that point). I got super sick while in the bath and threw up a whole bunch (thank goodness for those wonderful hospital puke bags and a fast moving daddy!) I decided I wanted to get out of the bath and get an epidural right then. So we got out of the bath and Heather came in and checked to see how far I had progressed. I was at 7 cm.

Heather got all gowned up to convince me that this baby was coming now. Three contractions later I was at 10 cm. It was too late to get an epidural. Three pushes and 8 minutes later, Nate, you were born at 12:51 am. Your face was a little bruised because you came so fast, but you were perfect. I felt so relieved that you were here.
Heather stitched me up at that point (I honestly believe that was the worst part about not getting an epidural). She numbed me up, but I still felt a little bit of the pulling and such. Not fun at all.
I am now writing this 3 and a half weeks later. Right after I gave birth, I told everyone in the room that I was never doing that again without an epidural. But now, I think that yes I could do it. I am going to be honest though. I will never be that person who says that giving birth naturally was beautiful and wonderful. It was hard. It was awful. I hated every minute of it. But it was worth it for a perfect little baby. Will I have an epidural with the next one? Who knows! Each birth story is unique. But for Nate- that is how you came into the world.
So very sweet.