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Showing posts from April, 2012

One Year Down!

I have made it through finals! I took four finals today and did well on (well) most of them. I am very excited just to be done. My freshman year is officially over. All that is left to do is to pack everything up and move out! It is just crazy...I still can't believe that it is already over. A year ago, I was writing a speech for graduation. I was working at Arby's. I was just looking forward to the opportunity to leave and start over new. Now, I am done with my first year of college. Only three more years until I am a teacher...

I should be studying...

Finals week is about to begin. A week from today I will be moved out of my dorm and getting ready to head back to Arizona. I am excited and sad, but all I can think about is this: I should be studying...

Trust in the Lord

Today is the last day of classes! I cannot believe that I have already made it this far. This morning I was reminded about where I was a year ago... About a year ago I found out that I did not get a scholarship through BYU. This devistated me! I had worked so hard all through high school and graduated as valedictorian just to not get a scholarship to my dream school. I found out about this during my English class and right after that class was was the one and only time that I ditched seminary because I just had to go home and cry. At the time I didn't understand. If I did get a scholarship I would have been a lot more worried and concerned about school and grades. While I am still trying my hardest (and still getting good grades :) ) I would have been locked up in my room all the time. Every test would bring with it anxiety and a lot of stress. I would not have been able to hang out with my friends as much. I probably would not have taken the Divine Comedy positio...

Remember Me?

Remember in December when I said that I was going to blog more? Yeah...I lied. There is only a week more of classes and then a week of finals and then I am DONE with my freshman year! It has passed by so quickly that sometimes it is hard for me to believe that it is really done! Let me catch you up on all that has happened this semester: - I got a room to myself : At first I was a little saddened by this, but it has been so great having a whole room to myself. The best parts are having an extra bed that has become my study/netflix watching place, getting to set the thermostat to freezing cold (much to my friend's dismay), and having the fridge on the extra desk so that I don't have to lean down to get my water out of the fridge. While sometimes I wish I still had a roommate, I have been loving having the place to myself. - It hasn't snowed...much : It really has not snowed that much this winter. All the Utah people have been telling me how this is such a mild winter...