Remember in December when I said that I was going to blog more? Yeah...I lied.
There is only a week more of classes and then a week of finals and then I am DONE with my freshman year! It has passed by so quickly that sometimes it is hard for me to believe that it is really done!
Let me catch you up on all that has happened this semester:
-I got a room to myself: At first I was a little saddened by this, but it has been so great having a whole room to myself. The best parts are having an extra bed that has become my study/netflix watching place, getting to set the thermostat to freezing cold (much to my friend's dismay), and having the fridge on the extra desk so that I don't have to lean down to get my water out of the fridge. While sometimes I wish I still had a roommate, I have been loving having the place to myself.
-It hasn't snowed...much: It really has not snowed that much this winter. All the Utah people have been telling me how this is such a mild winter. In some aspects, I wish that it would have snowed more but I am thankful that I didn't die from the cold/snow being from Arizona. It is crazy how I have adapted to the cold and think that 40 degrees is just a little chilly. 50 degrees is PERFECT. I am going to die this summer going back to a common 120 degrees Arizona.
-I have gotten through two more show weeks: I am in the midst of a Divine Comedy show week with our show on Friday and Saturday. I have been loving being part of this wonderful group and getting to know them. Three of our cast members and one of our crew is leaving after this show. I am going to miss them, but I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to work with them.
- I signed an apartment contract: I am going to be living with my four best friends next year and I am so excited! I am excited to have couches, a bathtub, and a kitchen!! We are all just counting down the days until fall when we can move in. Hopefully everything will go well between us and we won't have too much drama. I don't think we will because I love my friends! :)
- I got into the El Ed Major: I am officially accepted into my major and I am starting into the program in the fall! I am so excited to be taking classes that really apply to my future. Luckily I have gotten to know some girls in the major, so I will know at least one person in all of my classes. 4 out of my 5 classes are in the McKay Building (Education building). YAY! :)
- I got a job! : In the fall I am going to be working as a Peer Mentor. I am so excited for this wonderful opportunity!! My peer mentor last semester helped me alot just with adjusting to life and feeling welcome and loved at BYU. I can't wait to be that for someone else...and get PAID for it! Exciting!
So this post has become a lot longer than I intended it to be...but now you are all caught up as to what has been happening in my life! :)
Come what may and love it! <3
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