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Showing posts from December, 2013

A Year for Change (2014 Resolutions)

So guess what! It is that time of year again. The time where everyone makes resolutions and then keeps them for a month. I have actually never made real resolutions before. So I decided to start a list on Sunday and I kind of went out of control. I ended up with 22 goals, which I thought was perfect since I am turning 22 this year! Here is to a great year! Watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies (I haven't seen any of them!!) Re-Read the entire Book of Mormon Re-Read the whole Harry Potter series Give away 3 Book of Mormons Do baptisms in the temple at least once a month Visit all the temples in Utah Valley and Salt Lake Counties Re-Memorize the 12 Articles of Faith Write at least one blog post a month Save an extra $2000 to go on a big trip in 2015 Finish my last semester with all A's Attend every Tuesday Devotional during Winter semester (or watch them online during practicum) Go a whole month without eating chocolate Meet or have some contact with 100% of m...

Becoming Myself: A Year in the Making

I have never really had the opportunity to be myself. I have always felt the need to hide who I really am because of those around me. The first time I remember doing this was in third grade. My third grade teacher was strict. This is much more than just the normal "mean teacher"- she would threaten to hang us by our toenails in the corner if we did not behave. Before third grade, I was very outgoing, but I lost that because of fear. It just went deeper and deeper as the years went on. My freshman year of college, I told myself that I was going to start new. I tried to be myself, but it was really hard. Then with roommate issues, I turned back into my shell. I hid who I was. The next year, I moved in with the"friends" that I had made Freshman year. 4 girls who I thought I could trust through everything. Things happened and by the time winter semester came, my two best friends moved out to go on missions and the other two girls who I had known since Freshman year ...

At Last I See the Light

First off, I need to apologize for not blogging recently. It has been a rough couple of weeks for me, but I am back and hopefully will share my thoughts a little more often. Second- I need to thank everyone that reads this blog. About a month ago, I posted on here about my experiences with depression. Since then, I have been blessed to receive a ton of support. More surprisingly thought, I have had many people come to me and talk about their experiences. I have really enjoyed the opportunity that I have had to discuss not only depression, but other trials with these people that I believed were absolutely perfect. They still are perfect in my eyes- actually, they may even be even more perfect because I can see that they are humans that are reaching for perfection. Now off to the real topic of this blog. I was watching one of my all time favorite movies this past week: Tangled. I become a little girl when I watch it because I love every little piece. I love the story, I love the anim...