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What Hasn't She Taught Me?

Last Father's Day, I did a post dedicated to my dad.

I felt it was necessary to also do a post dedicated to my Mom for Mother's Day.

*Sorry Mom in advance for the pictures...I didn't get them approved by you. I figure I will ask forgiveness rather than permission :)

As I have been pondering what I should write for my mom, I saw this quote by Sheri Dew (One of Mom's favorite speakers).

"Few of us will reach our potential without the nurturing of both the mother who bore us and the mothers who bear with us."

Yeah- when I read that, it hit me pretty strong. I was not an easy teenager. I can tell you that for sure. At the time I was struggling with depression and not really understanding what was going on in my head. It was all so confusing. This caused me to lash out on my family and storm off to my room. Yep...I was one of those teenagers. (I swear I am going to get a child worst than me someday). Looking back, I can't help but feel complete guilt and complete love for my mom. She was there for me every step of the way.

My mom is pretty much amazing. Here is a list of things that she did for me all growing up. Obviously it is not everything, but here are some of the ones I wanted to share.

My Mom Would:
  • Bring my lunch to school almost every day of 6th grade because I would forget it and have to call home.
  • Come in and talk sternly to my third grade teacher for drawing an "F" on one of my math papers after I sat at home crying for hours.
  • Come pick me up during 9th grade in the middle of the day when I "wasn't feeling well" just because I couldn't stand to be at school any longer.
  • Go along with my crazy ideas whenever I came up with them.
  • Pick me up every day my senior year of high school to come home and eat lunch because I didn't want to eat alone at school.
  • Listen to hours after hours after hours of David Archuleta music.
  • Take me to my first concert (David Archuleta, of course) and sit in line for hours to make sure that we had a good spot.
  • Let me get a new hamster or gerbil whenever I suggested it after the death of the cage's previous occupant.
  • Listen to me cry and complain for hours and days whenever a new change or scary thing was coming up in my life.
  • Answer the phone ever hour I had free my Freshman Year of College because I didn't want to walk to campus by myself.
  • Skype so that we could share the screen to watch a TV show that we both enjoyed (Switched at Birth and Once Upon A Time)
  • Buy Slurpee's or Slushes once a day all through high school so that we could go home and watch Gilmore Girls together after school.
  • Support all of my efforts, whether it was writing a book, becoming a veterinarian, or being a teacher.
My mom has always constantly been teaching me lessons. She taught me to love life. She was always putting Christ first and then her family right after that. I would wake up early often and find her reading her scriptures or praying in the living room or the back bedroom. She taught me to be happy despite trials. She taught me to be frugal with my money. She showed me how to serve constantly by taking her calling seriously and taking me as her 'visiting teaching companion' from a young age. She showed me how to love a man with all of your heart and effort, something that I want to be able to do someday My mom is pretty much the most amazing person I know. Everything that I am, everything that I want to become is all because of her. I strive to be like her because I know that she is going to the Celestial Kingdom and I want to be with her forever. She always has been and always will be my best friend and my number one cheerleader.

I remember watching this scene of Gilmore Girls with my mom. I had tears streaming down my face. It took me all will power to not quote this scene in my own graduation speech.

As Rory Gilmore put it...
"But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my [middle] name and my life's blood...My mother never game me any idea that I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give me role models... As she guided me through these incredible [twenty-one] years, I don't know if she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you, Mom: you are my guidepost for everything."

My mom not only bore me, but bears with me everyday. I cannot even imagine my life without this wonderful woman in my life. I love you, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!

Come what may and love it!


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