Yeah yeah...I know no one reads this blog, but I still should be doing a better job at keeping a blog than what I am doing. So here is to a new year!
I have made it through my first semester of college. Oh what a CRAZY semester it has been! So here is a basic overview of my first semester at BYU:
1.I got pretty good grades-All A's, with one A- and one B+. I consider that good- hopefully I can keep it up this second semester as I am taking American Heritage. American Heritage is know to most Freshman as the worst class in the world. People are happy when they get over 50% on the tests. Sound like fun? Yep-that is what I am entering into.
2. I have made the most amazing friends. I am not going to deny that there has been some major drama between some people, but I still have met some of the best people I have ever met. I have been loving almost every second of my first semester because of these people. We have had some fun times having hot chocolate, tim-tam slams, and going out for toasted PB&J (which sounds really gross, but it REALLY GOOD!) It has not been about the big things, but the little things that we have done together that have made our friendships what they are.
3. I got to meet David Archuleta. If you know me, you know that I LOVE David Archuleta! It was so fun going to his signing with some of my friends. We had to stand in line for hours, but it was completely worth it! I got to talk to my idol for about 0.5 seconds, but it was worth it. He is going on a mission now, so this may be the last time that I would get to get my CDs signed and such. I am glad htat I was able to be so close to him and fulfill one of my greatest wishes. :)
4. I have joined Divine Comedy. Divine Comedy is a comedy group on BYU's campus. I have become the new assistant stage manger. I have only worked one show week so far, but it was so fun! I am nervous and excited, but I already have met some amazing people because of it!
I have made it. I survived my first semester of college! If you would have asked me the first week of the semester if I would make it, I don't know what answer I would have given you. To be completely honest, I was so homesick. In fact, I marked 3 weeks on my calendar. If I was not happy by week 3, I planned to get on a plane and go home. I stayed-so that tells you something! :) It has been a crazy semester. Sometimes I wonder how I made it through. As I am entering into my second semester, I realize that it is time to make some resolutions. One of my resolutions is to write on this blog more often. I don't exactly know when or how often, but it will be more often.
Anyway-this post is already too long. As I leave you, I promise I will be back soon. Here is to a new semester!
I have made it through my first semester of college. Oh what a CRAZY semester it has been! So here is a basic overview of my first semester at BYU:
1.I got pretty good grades-All A's, with one A- and one B+. I consider that good- hopefully I can keep it up this second semester as I am taking American Heritage. American Heritage is know to most Freshman as the worst class in the world. People are happy when they get over 50% on the tests. Sound like fun? Yep-that is what I am entering into.
2. I have made the most amazing friends. I am not going to deny that there has been some major drama between some people, but I still have met some of the best people I have ever met. I have been loving almost every second of my first semester because of these people. We have had some fun times having hot chocolate, tim-tam slams, and going out for toasted PB&J (which sounds really gross, but it REALLY GOOD!) It has not been about the big things, but the little things that we have done together that have made our friendships what they are.
3. I got to meet David Archuleta. If you know me, you know that I LOVE David Archuleta! It was so fun going to his signing with some of my friends. We had to stand in line for hours, but it was completely worth it! I got to talk to my idol for about 0.5 seconds, but it was worth it. He is going on a mission now, so this may be the last time that I would get to get my CDs signed and such. I am glad htat I was able to be so close to him and fulfill one of my greatest wishes. :)
4. I have joined Divine Comedy. Divine Comedy is a comedy group on BYU's campus. I have become the new assistant stage manger. I have only worked one show week so far, but it was so fun! I am nervous and excited, but I already have met some amazing people because of it!
I have made it. I survived my first semester of college! If you would have asked me the first week of the semester if I would make it, I don't know what answer I would have given you. To be completely honest, I was so homesick. In fact, I marked 3 weeks on my calendar. If I was not happy by week 3, I planned to get on a plane and go home. I stayed-so that tells you something! :) It has been a crazy semester. Sometimes I wonder how I made it through. As I am entering into my second semester, I realize that it is time to make some resolutions. One of my resolutions is to write on this blog more often. I don't exactly know when or how often, but it will be more often.
Anyway-this post is already too long. As I leave you, I promise I will be back soon. Here is to a new semester!
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