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Our Story (Part 1)

Our Story: 
Meeting and Becoming Friends
Part 1 of 2

Both of us were attending BYU. Gariet just got back from his mission from the Czech Republic and I was starting my Junior year. Honestly, I had given up on love and dating. I wanted to be friends with everyone. I prayed to Heavenly Father to give me a calling where I could get to know everyone in the ward. That is when I received a call from Brother Bam and later was called to be the Publicity Co-Chair.

I went to church early because of my calling. I needed to print and hand out programs. This was so outside of my comfort zone to stand and talk to everyone that was coming in. I pretended to be this little social butterfly, but on the inside I was dying. I met the 202 boys as they all came in from church. They all introduced themselves, but I was meeting a lot of people that day and did not remember their names. The impression of that apartment stuck with me. I could just tell they were all good people. I honestly did not think that anything would come of it, but these guys became some of my best friends.

The next day, I went to a block party. That is when Joseph and Gariet came over to talk to me. This was our first conversation. I wouldn’t jump rope. Gariet kept trying to make me do it, but you have to realize that this was still very much so out of my comfort zone to be at a huge party like this. I did not want to make a fool out of myself in front of that many people. We talked and had fun. I thought he was obnoxious. He thought that he would ask me on a date.
The Date with Joseph

That week I went on a date with his roommate Joseph. Gariet and Emmett also brought dates. It was a fun date. We made french toast for dinner. Because of this, we used my skillet. The next day, Joseph and Gariet had to bring the skillet back over to my apartment. When they were in my doorway, we were just talking. They invited me and any of my roommates to come over to 202 to watch the fireside. I dragged my roommate Zina over because I really wanted to go and didn’t want to go alone.

We watched the fireside. I remember writing in my journal that I felt so lucky to watch it with people who cared too. All the boys in the apartment had gathered around to watch this and all of them were taking notes. It was a very attractive site for all 4 of them. Afterwards, we spent the rest of the night talking about random things. I know that we talked about the differences between guys and girls. Cameron asked me for dating advice. And that night, some how it was discovered that I had never been to a haunted house. Gariet insisted that he would take me when October came around.
From an FHE Activity

I found myself at 202 a lot. This was totally not me. I had never had guy friends at BYU that I was comfortable enough spending hours at their apartment. Movie nights and game nights allowed me to become friends with these amazing guys. It also helped that we were placed in the same FHE Family! Basically, I was meant to be friends with these guys.

Stake Halloween Party with 202
October came around. Gariet and I started hanging out more and more. I remember one day we were walking home from church together. I love to hear the scoop on everyone, so I asked Gariet what he thought about the girls in the ward and which ones he would ask on dates. He told me a few names and then he said “and you too”. I was completely thrown off. What? I read into it more than what it was. He was just interested in going on a date with several different girls. I started to think about my feelings toward him. Did I like him? Could I like him? Was he just my friend? Could I see myself dating him? I am such a girl and really analized this with some of my girl friends during our El Ed classes.

1st Date to the Haunted Corn Maze
There was one week that we literally hung out every day. Both of us were initiating things. He would come visit me at work. I would ask him for help on homework. I found out that I did like him. We would talk for hours and we always just had fun together. That Saturday, we went on our date to Cornbelly’s Haunted Cornmaze. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I was curious to see if he would hold my hand that night. Meanwhile in his mind, he realized that I liked him and wanted to hold off on things for a while. He held my hand, but only for a few seconds to help me get through the scary parts of the Haunted Cornmaze. At the end of the night, he asked if we could talk. We sat down at my apartment. He told me that right now we needed to be friends. I always joke with people that Gariet “Friendzoned” me. Well I did it right back in that moment. I didn't want him to know how much I had fallen for him in that past week. So I was okay being friends.

Same FHE Activity
Now that I have a full perspective on everything, I am able to see that this was the best decision that we had ever made. I needed a friend. In the months that followed, I entered into the worst depression state I had been in. Before, I did not tell Gariet about my depression because I did not want the guy I like to see me in that position. After feeling like we were only going to be friends and nothing more, I was willing to open up to him. I really did not need a boyfriend during that time. I needed a friend. I needed someone to care about me in a completely non-romantic way and be willing to help me make tough decisions. I got help because of Gariet. He walked me to the bishop’s office. He sat with me as I filled out the paperwork to go to CAPS. I would have never been able to talk to him about everything we talked about had it not been for being in the ‘friendzone.’ We both needed this time. I learned so much about myself, but Gariet was also willing to open up to me as I opened up to him. Looking back on it, I know that our relationship would have failed had we started dating in October.

These pictures were too good not to share....

"Model Shots" from FHE

Of course he would climb a tree :)

I am getting married in 20 days!

Come what may and love it!


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