Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. I love these days that we get to recognize and remember our fathers. I have some pretty great examples of father's around me. These men have taught me lessons all my life about what it means to be a good father and husband and have given me examples of what I want in my own future husband.
My dad has taught me so much. I am so grateful that he has been a part of my life my entire life. He has loved my mom unconditionally and the marriage that they share has been an example for me of what I want someday. He has always been a worthy priesthood holder. Anytime I needed a blessing, he was ready to give me one. He has taught me that the temple is an important part of our lives. When I went to do baptisms for the first time, he was there. I am so grateful for this. He also has taught me that you put 110% into everything you do. He is hardworking at work and at church. I know that he puts his whole self into everything. I try to do the same. He also has taught that no matter your church calling, you still put 110% into it. He has been in Bishoprics, in the primary, and in so many other callings. While one may seem more important than the other, you still act like your calling is the most important in the ward. And you do it all with a smile on your face. He also taught me how to wipe a Shiflett look off my face, but still be proud of who I am. I love you Dad!
I love my Grandpa so much. He has lived within 10 minutes of me my entire childhood. I was so grateful that we got to spend time with them every single day,even if it was just laying on the floor eating cereal or eating watermelon at the kitchen table after going swimming. My grandpa taught me that there is never a bad time for a joke. Even if he was in the hospital, the moment you ask him how he is feeling you regret it because you know that "With my hands" is always going to be the answer. He taught me silly sayings and songs ("the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play peaknuckle on your snout"). Yes. This is my Grandpa. I love him so much.
I am not going to name off all of my brothers individually, but I am so grateful for each of their example in my life. Like my dad, they were always worthy priesthood holders. They showed me how to laugh at my dumb mistakes. They can always put a smile on my face. Only one of them is a dad already, but I know that all of them will make wonderful fathers. They each have shown me examples of the kind of man that I want to marry one day. I love them so much!
These two have been there for me just as much as my earthly family. They have loved me and taught me so much. I am so grateful for their example. I know that I had a relationship with both my Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus Christ before coming to this earth. I know that I have been able to maintain and continue to develop that relationship while on this Earth. I know that they are aware of our circumstances and that give us what we need. I am so incredibly grateful for this knowledge and for their examples in my life. They are two separate beings, united in purpose. I know that they love me, as my earthly family also loves me. I love them. I know that I am a child of God.
My Dad
Steve Shiflett

My Grandpas
Grandpa Ryskamp

Grandpa Shiflett
I never actually met my Grandpa Shiflett in this life. He passed away 4 months before I was born. Still, I feel like he is watching over me. Sometimes, I do feel sad that I never got to meet him. I hear all these fun stories, but I do know that I will get a chance to see him again one day. I try to live my life in such a way that when he sees me, he will say "I am proud of you." I want to make him proud. I love him, even though I never knew him.
My Brothers

My Extended Family
I think it also needs to be mentioned the example of my extended family. Since coming to BYU, I do not have the opportunity to see my family very often. However, my extended family has taken me into their homes and allowed me to be part of their families. My uncles and my cousins all show me the example of what wonderful fathers look like. They have become father figures to me as well. I am grateful for each one of them.
My Heavenly Father and Brother Jesus Christ

So, as you can tell, I have some wonderful examples of Fathers in my life. I am so grateful for all of them! I am also grateful for this day to reflect on the lessons they have taught me.
In the Family: A Proclamation to the World, it says:
"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."I feel like my dad has gone above and beyond this role in my life. He is my hero. I hope to one day find a man who will be as wonderful father to our children as my Dad is to me.
Thank you Dad. I love you!
Happy Fathers Day to all!
Happy Fathers Day to all!
I am blessed to have a wonderful daughter like you.
ReplyDeleteAmy you are always so kind and sweet. I love and cherish all the times we get to be together.
Thank you,
Love Dad